Starter/Generator with pulley for 1967 to 1981 Harley Davidson and 1982 to 2008 Columbia Par Car +++ Also for 1984 to 1996-1/2 Club Car model DS +++ Also 2004 and newer Club Car Precedent model. +++ Also Melex 512 with Hitachi starter/generator.
Retail: |
$389.95 |
On Sale: |
$267.34 |
You Save: |
32% |
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ Use IG11-012 Conversion Kit +++ Ignition Module for 1986 to 1995 Columbia Par Car... Can be used for upgrading the points ignition on a 1967 to 1985 Harley Davidson to electronic ignition.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Use EL22-615 +++ Voltage Reducer for all carts with 36 or 48 volt systems... Converts these voltages down to 13.4 volts for running lights, radios and other 12 volt accessories... Has a high amp output of 20 amps peak.
DC to DC Converter Junction Block for 1999 and newer Columbia Par Car electric
Intelligent Voltage Reducer for all carts with 36 or 48 volt systems +++ Reduces voltage from 36 to 48 volts down to 12 volts for running lights, radios and other 12 volt accessories +++ Has a high amp output of 360 watts, 30 amps peak.
Armature for Hitachi Style Starter Generator for 1978 to 1994 E-Z-GO... Also 1972 to 1995 Harley /Columbia +++ 1984 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1979 to 2002 Yamaha models G1-G16 +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680 +++ 1990 to 1995 Hyundai
Retail: |
$179.87 |
On Sale: |
$98.77 |
You Save: |
46% |
NOW AVAILABLE +++ 6 Volt, 6 Terminal Forward and Reverse Solenoid for 1967 to 1986 Harley Davidson and Columbia Par Car +++ Rated 150 amps continuous duty.
Starter/Generator Field Coil Housing with Coils for Hitachi style Starter/Generator on 1977 to 1981 Harley Davidson and 1982 to 2008 Columbia Par Car +++ 1978 to 1993 E-Z-GO with 2 cycle engine +++ 1985 to 1995 Club Car. +++ 1979 to 1989 Yamaha models G1-G16 +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680 truck.
Retail: |
$124.50 |
On Sale: |
$97.27 |
You Save: |
22% |
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++Three Position Ignition Switch with two keys for 1982 to 1995 Columbia Par Car 2 cycle gas carts and 1990 and newer electric carts.
Field Coils for Hitachi Style Starter Generator for 1978 to 1994 Pre Medalist E-Z-GO Marathon model with 2 cycle engine +++ 1972 to 1995 Harley Davidson and Columbia Par Car with 2 cycle engine +++ 1984 to 1995 Club Car.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ Use SW11-020 +++ Brand New Factory Old Stock Four Terminal, Three Position Ignition Switch with two keys for Harley Davidson 2 cycle gas carts from 1975 to 1981 and electric carts from 1976 to 1989.
CURRENTLY ON BACK ORDER +++ 36 Volt 6 Terminal Reversing Solenoid for 1985 and newer Columbia Par Car.
NONE AVAILABLE +++ Good Used Starter/Generator for 1967 to present Harley Davidson +++ Also for Club Car model DS from 1984 to 1996-1/2.
Base Insulator for Bosch Style Voltage Regulator used late 1968 to early 1976 Harley Davidson gas model D and D4 above serial number 6660 +++ Also 1969 to 1973 model DC.
Bosch Style Voltage Regulator for late 1968 to early 1976 Harley Davidson gas model D and D4 above serial number 6660 +++ Also 1969 to 1973 model DC +++ Also 1974 to 1979 E-Z-GO.
Retail: |
$96.23 |
On Sale: |
$74.23 |
You Save: |
23% |
+++ Ignition Switch for 1967 to 1972 model D and D4 and 1969 to 1972 model DC +++ 1972 to early 1976 Harley Davidson gas model D4 and 1973 to early 1976 model D. +++ Also replaces 1963 to 1965 electric DE, DEF, DEC and 1967 to 1971 DE and DEC +++ NOTE: This is also a forward and reverse switch on 1973 to 1975 model DE and 1977 to 1982 model DE3 and 1972 to 1975 electric model DE4 +++ Can replace 1965 to 1981 D, DC and D4 with 13/16" threaded shaft +++ Can also be used on Pargos and others with key switch reverse.
Retail: |
$57.98 |
On Sale: |
$49.36 |
You Save: |
15% |
Starter/Generator Commutator End Cover with Brush Holder and Brushes for for 1977 to 1981 Harley Davidson and 1982 to 2008 Columbia Par Car both 2 cycle and 4 cycle models +++ 1984 to 1996-1/2 Club Car model DS +++ 1978 to 1993 E-Z-GO with 2 cycle engine +++ Yamaha from 1979 to 1989 models G1, G2, G8, G9, G11, G14 and G16 +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680 truck +++ 1990 to 1995 Hyundai +++ Also Melex.
Retail: |
$87.75 |
On Sale: |
$69.76 |
You Save: |
21% |
36 Volt, 4 Terminal, Heavy Duty Solenoid with silver contacts for 1987 and newer Columbia Par Car +++ 1989 and newer E-Z-GO electric +++ 1988 and newer Club Car electric industrial vehicles +++ 1990 and newer Yamaha electric models G8, G9, G11, G14, G16 +++ 1990 to 1994 Cushman GT-1 and GT America +9++ 2006 and newer Cushman Titan 36 volt model +++ 1986 and newer Melex with electronic speed control +++ Also Taylor-Dunn model B-150 & others +++ Also 1992 and newer Nordskog models 280 and 282 A, B, C and D +++ Also Jacobsen and Motrec.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE, You can use SW88-100 135 amp Circuit Breaker +++ O.E.M. 135 amp Circuit Breaker for 1967 to 1971 Harley Davidson electric model DE and 1969 to 1970 model DEC.
48 Volt 4 Terminal Solenoid for 1995 to 1998 Club Car electric and 1996 to 1997 Powerdrive electric carts +++ Also E-Z-GO and Columbia Par Car with 48 Volt systems +++ Also replacement for 1996 to 2014 Yamaha electric.
Hitachi "Style" Voltage Regulator for +++ Harley Davidson +++ Columbia Par Car +++ E-Z-GO +++ Club Car +++ Hyundai +++ Yamaha +++ Taylor-Dunn +++ Melex +++ Shuttlecraft.
Retail: |
$80.95 |
On Sale: |
$68.73 |
You Save: |
16% |
Solid State Voltage Regulator for 1985 to 1989 Columbia Par Car 2 cycle models PG4, G4S, and GU4 +++ Also 1990 to 1995 2 cycle models P4G, G4S, GU4, GD4 and G6G +++ Also 1996 and newer Columbia Par Car with Brigs and Stratton Vanguard 4cycle engine.
135 Amp Circuit Breaker for 1991 to 1999 Taylor-Dunn model R-380... Also1967 to 1971 Harley Davidson electric model DE and 1969 to 1970 model DEC... Also electric Shttlecraft and others.
12 Volt Starter Solenoid for 1984 and newer Club Car model DS and Precedent gas carts +++ Also 1975 to late 1976 Harley Davidson gas models D and D4 +++ Also gas Shuttlecraft
Starter Generator Brush Holder with Brushes, Springs and Crossover Leads with Studs for 1972 to 1995 Harley Davidson and Columbia Par Car with Hitachi Starter Generators... Also 1984 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1978 to 1993 E-Z-GO +++ 1979 to 2009 Yamaha G1 -G28 and 2007 and newer YDR "The Drive" +++ 1990 to 1995 Hyundai +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680 truck +++ 1994 to 1997 Melex model 512 with Hitachi starter/generator.
Retail: |
$81.95 |
On Sale: |
$49.34 |
You Save: |
40% |
Four Terminal 6 Volt Solenoid for 1967 to 1982 Harley Davidson and 1983 to 1984 Columbia Par Car.
Brush Set with Springs for 1967 to early 1969 Harley Davidson model D and early 1969 model DC with Siba external starter/generator.
Three Position Ignition or F&R Switch with two keys for 1996 and newer gas and electric Columbia Par Car carts +++ Will also retrofit 1982 to 2000 electrics.
Bosch Starter/Generator Front Cover for late 1969, above serial number 69D-1911 to 1976 Harley Davidson.
After Market 120 Amp Resetable Circuit Breaker. +++ Will replace 120 amp circuit breakers on Cushman and Harley golf carts.
Starter/Generator Front Cover for 1998 to 2000 Columbia Par Car +++ 1991 and newer E-Z-GO and Cushman with 4 cycle engine +++ 1984 and newer Yamaha models G2, G8, G9, G11, G14, G16, G19 and G22.
Retail: |
$67.95 |
On Sale: |
$33.98 |
You Save: |
50% |
Brush Set for Internal Siba Starter/Generator on 1963 to 1966 Harley Davidson models D, DF and DC and 1967 to 1968 model DC.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE, USE SW11-020 +++ Replacement Three Position Ignition/Forward and Reverse Switch with two keys for Pargo models 800 series and 544... Also Harley Davidson electric carts from 1965 to 1982.
Original New Old Stock Micro Switch for Speed Control Board on 1976 to 1978 Harley model DE40 +++ Has two male spade connectors.
Solid State Voltage Regulator for 1992 and newer Club Car model DS +++ Will also work on Columbia Par Car with 2 cycle engines and solid state regulator.
12 Volt 4 Terminal Solenoid for 1963 to 1986 Harley Davidson/Columbia Par Car +++ 1979 to 1994 E-Z-GO +++ 1964 to 1987 Cushman +++ 1994 to 1995 Melex +++ Nordskog, Noland, Davis, Jacobsen, and Otis.
Starter/Generator Mounting Kit for 1967 to 1978 Harley Davidson... Conversion from spring tensioner to adjustable strap tensioner.
12 Volt 4 Terminal Solenoid for 1987 to 1995 two cycle gas Columbia Par Car +++ 1996 to 2008 four cycle gas models.
Heavy Duty 4 Gauge Black Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$39.95 |
On Sale: |
$26.69 |
You Save: |
34% |
Heavy Duty 4 Gauge Red Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$41.97 |
On Sale: |
$28.37 |
You Save: |
33% |
Heavy Duty 4 Gauge Blue Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$41.97 |
On Sale: |
$28.37 |
You Save: |
33% |
Heavy Duty 4 Gauge Yellow Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$41.97 |
On Sale: |
$28.37 |
You Save: |
33% |
Heavy Duty 4 Gauge Green Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$41.97 |
On Sale: |
$28.37 |
You Save: |
33% |
Extra Heavy Duty 2 Gauge Black Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$46.95 |
On Sale: |
$32.63 |
You Save: |
31% |
Extra Heavy Duty 2 Gauge Red Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$46.95 |
On Sale: |
$32.63 |
You Save: |
31% |
Extra Heavy Duty 2 Gauge Blue Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$46.95 |
On Sale: |
$32.63 |
You Save: |
31% |
Extra Heavy Duty 2 Gauge Yellow Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$46.95 |
On Sale: |
$32.63 |
You Save: |
31% |
Extra Heavy Duty 2 Gauge Green Battery Cable Set for 1994 and newer E-Z-GO 36 Volt Medalist and TXT models +++ 1984 to mid 1998 Columbia Par Car with 36 volt system.
Retail: |
$46.95 |
On Sale: |
$32.63 |
You Save: |
31% |
Starter/Generator Front Cover for 1967 to 1981 Harley Davidson and 1982 to 2008 Columbia Par Car +++ 1978 to 1993 E-Z-GO with 2 cycle engine +++ 1985 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1979 to 1989 Yamaha models G1-G16 +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680 truck +++ 1990 to 1995 Hyundai.
Retail: |
$51.98 |
On Sale: |
$30.23 |
You Save: |
42% |
Brush Set for Bosch and Hitachi Starter/Generator on 1969 to 1981 Harley Davidson and 1982 to 1995 Columbia Par Car +++ 1984 to 1996 Club Car +++ 1980 to 1993 E-Z-GO +++ 1978 and newer Yamaha 1978 G1-G28 and 2007 and newer YDR "The Drive" +++ 1991 and newer Hyundai +++ 1986 to 1997 Taylor-Dunn model R-680.