1/4-20 x 1" Bolt for J Hook for Speed Control on Taylor-Dunn models SC and AN and others.
1/4-20 x 3/4" Bolt for Taylor-Dunn Five Speed J Hook with 2 holes +++ Also for mounting Dual Cup Holder on 1993 and newer Club Car model DS +++ Also for mounting J Hook on mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries +++ Also for mounting solenoid on 1963 to 1993 pre-Medalist Speed Board +++ Also Speed Control on Harley Davidson DE-40.
First Speed Resistor for 1974 to 1985 Taylor Dunn model SS-534 Step Saver +++ First and Third Speed Resistor on 1986 and newer model SS-534 Step Saver +++ Second Speed Resistor on models GT and R +++ Third Speed Resistor for Taylor-Dunn models B and BN and others +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries +++ Karrior 2400 XP burden carrier and other models speed control.
Retail: |
$37.95 |
On Sale: |
$24.68 |
You Save: |
35% |
24 Volt 4 Terminal Short Housing Solenoid with copper contacts for E-Z-GO +++ 1986 to 1989 Taylor-Dunn model SS-534 +++ Nordskog model 325 and 535 Errand Master +++ Also Karrior, Motrec and Otis.
24 Volt Reversing Solenoid with 6 terminals for 1994 and newer Cushman Minute Miser models 320 and 323 +++ 1987 to 1993 Taylor-Dunn model SS-534 and 1990 and newer Taylor-Dunn models E-451 and E-457 +++ Also Motrec and others.
24 Volt 4 Terminal Solenoid for 1986 to 1988 Taylor-Dunn models SS-534 +++ Will also replace the Curtis style 80 amp main solenoid on 2001 and newer Columbia Par Car Expeditor models EX21-24, EX21-48, TE31
24 Volt 4 Terminal Line Contactor/Solenoid for Taylor-Dunn models B-248, B-254, BT-248 and BT-280.
Genuine Curtis-Allbright brand 24 Volt 4 Terminal Line Contactor/Solenoid for Taylor-Dunn models B-248, B-254, BT-248 and BT-280.
36 to 48 Volt, 325 Amp Electronic Motor Speed Controller +++ Will replace Curtis model 1204, 275 Amp Controller on 1987 to 2008 Columbia Par Par +++ 1989 to 1994 E-Z-GO +++ 1990 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1990 to 1995 Hyundai +++ 1986 & newer Melex +++ Motrec with Curtis 1204 275 amp series controller on E-250, E-276, E-280, E-300 and E-330 +++ Cushman, Nordskog and Western .
Retail: |
$958.95 |
On Sale: |
$697.36 |
You Save: |
28% |
36 Volt, 4 Terminal, Heavy Duty Replacement Solenoid for 1987 and newer Columbia Par Car +++ 1989 and newer E-Z-GO electric +++ 1988 and newer Club Car electric industrial vehicle +++ 1990 and newer Yamaha electric models G8, G9, G11, G14, G16 +++ 1986 and newer Melex with electronic speed control +++ Taylor-Dunn model B-150 and others +++ Also Jacobsen.
36 Volt, 4 Terminal, Heavy Duty Solenoid with silver contacts for 1987 and newer Columbia Par Car +++ 1989 and newer E-Z-GO electric +++ 1988 and newer Club Car electric industrial vehicles +++ 1990 and newer Yamaha electric models G8, G9, G11, G14, G16 +++ 1990 to 1994 Cushman GT-1 and GT America +9++ 2006 and newer Cushman Titan 36 volt model +++ 1986 and newer Melex with electronic speed control +++ Also Taylor-Dunn model B-150 & others +++ Also 1992 and newer Nordskog models 280 and 282 A, B, C and D +++ Also Jacobsen and Motrec.
36 to 48 Volt, 4 Terminal, Heavy Duty Replacement Solenoid for Melex model 625E +++ Has magnetic blowouts for arc suppression
36 Volt, 6 Terminal Reversing Solenoid for Taylor-Dunn model B-50 Shuttle Master +++ Cushman Tug model XI-340 and model 605248 +++ Replacement Solenoid for 1982 to 1989 Yamaha G1 Electric +++ Can also be used to retrofit the obsolete relay number J14-81951-00-00 on the 1980 to 1981 G1.
Heavy Duty 4 Terminal 36 Volt Solenoid with Silver Contacts for E-Z-GO, Cushman, Melex, Taylor Dunn +++ Also 1990 to 1995 Hyundai and Nordskog models 262/264 and others.
36 Volt 6 Terminal Reversing Solenoid for 1985 and newer Columbia Par Car +++ Reversing solenoid on Taylor-Dunn model B-150, MC-432 and others +++ Reversing solenoid on 1992 and newer E-Z-GO industrial vehicles and Cushman tug model 605238 and others +++ 36 volt reversing solenoid for Motrec.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ You can replace with SP11-343 500 amp +++ 36 to 48 Volt, 400 Amp Curtis 1204M Electronic Motor Speed Controller Upgrade +++ Will replace Non Programmable Curtis 400 Amp controller on 1987 to 2008 Columbia Par Car +++ 1989 to 1994 E-Z-GO +++ 1990 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1986 & newer Melex.
12 to 48 Volt, 400 Amp Programmable Electronic Motor Speed Controller Upgrade, bolt on replacement for Curtis 1205-108 400 Amp Controller on Taylor-Dunn.
48 Volt Solenoid with 6 terminals for Cushman Titan and Taylor-Dunn +++ Reversing solenoid on 1999 and newer Columbia Car Car +++ Reversing solenoid on Motrec (2 required) +++ Also 48 volt Legend.
Five Speed Steel Neutral Bar for Taylor-Dunn models B and BN and others +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries.
12 to 48 Volt, 500 Amp Programmable Electronic Motor Speed Controller Upgrade, bolt on replacement and upgrade for Curtis 400 Amp Controller on 1987 to 2008 Columbia Par Par +++ Also Curtis controller on 1989 to 1994 E-Z-GO +++ Upgrade on 1990 to 1995 Club Car and 1986 & newer Melex.
12 to 48 Volt, 600 Amp Programmable Electronic Motor Speed Controller Upgrade --- Bolt on replacement and upgrade for Curtis controller on 1987 to 2008 Columbia Par Par --- Also an upgrade for the 275 amp Curtis controller on 1989 to 1994 E-Z-GO --- Also 1990 to 1995 Club Car... Also 1986 & newer Melex and others.
Accelerator Pedal Pad Kit for 1972 to 1985 Taylor-Dunn Tee Bird models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 and GT-371 and others.
NOW AVAILABLE ++ Inductive Accelerator (Potentiometer) for Taylor-Dunn with 62-204-00, 275 amp or 62-205-00 and 62-204-40, 400 amp or 62-205-40, 500 amp controllers +++ Has a 6 to 10.5 volt output.5
NOW AVAILABLE ++ Inductive Accelerator (Potentiometer) Kit for Taylor-Dunn model B247 +++ Has a 6 to 10.5 volt output.
Ball Joint Socket for Accelerator Linkage for 1989 and newer E-Z-GO electric and also gas with 4 cycle engine +++ Also used on Taylor-Dunn.
Blank Speed or Resistor Board for Westinghouse Marketeer, Nordskog and many others.
Resistor Mounting Bolt for 1974 and newer Taylor-Dunn model SS-534 Step Saver +++ Also GT-360 and GT-370 speed control board and others.
Brake Pedal Return Spring for 1981 to 1985 Taylor-Dunn Tee Bird models GT-370 and GT-371 +++ E-Brake return spring on model B-210 +++ Accelerator return spring on 1967 to 1974 models S-531 and S-533 and others.
CURRENTLY ON BACK ORDER +++ Black Rubber Brake Pedal Pad with Taylor-Dunn logo for 1972 to 1985 Taylor-Dunn Tee Bird models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 and GT-371 and others.
NOW AVAILABLE +++ Ceramic Speed Control Board for 1965 to 1973 Taylor-Dunn 4 and 5 speed Industrial Vehicle models SC, AN, B, BN and model R 338, 348 and 2339 +++ 1959 to 1963 Tridents and T-Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 and 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart by Lad Industries...All with Sliding Bar Type Resistor Speed Control.
135 Amp Circuit Breaker for 1991 to 1999 Taylor-Dunn model R-380... Also1967 to 1971 Harley Davidson electric model DE and 1969 to 1970 model DEC... Also electric Shttlecraft and others.
Curtis 1204M-4201, 24 to 36 Volt, 275 Amp Programmable Electronic Motor Speed Controller with four buss bars with Plug Braking (has A2 terminal) +++ Will replace Curtis model 1204, 275 Amp Non Programmable Controller on Taylor-Dunn stock chaser and others... NOTE: This is a brand new (NOT REBUILT) factory Curtis controller +++ Will replace Taylor-Dunn PWR-TRON and PWR-TRON II electronic controllers used on 1985 to 1993 models SS-534, SC-159, AN170 and AN-171 and others.
Retail: |
$563.32 |
On Sale: |
$450.66 |
You Save: |
20% |
NOT AVAILABLE +++ USE SP11-311 +++ Curtis 1205-108, 24 to 36 Volt, 400 Amp Electronic Motor Speed Controller for Taylor-Dunn.
Sevcon Power Pack, 24 to 48 Volt, 400 Amp Electronic Motor Speed Controller for Taylor-Dunn.
Retail: |
$1,629.49 |
On Sale: |
$1,335.45 |
You Save: |
19% |
Curtis 36 to 48 Volt, 500 Amp Programmable Electronic Motor Speed Controller with four buss bars with Plug Braking(has A2 terminal), will replace Curtis model 1204, 275 Amp Controller on 1987 and newer Columbia Par Par +++ 1989 to 1994 E-Z-GO +++ 1990 to 1995 Club Car +++ 1986 & newer Melex +++ Taylor-Dunn +++ 1990 to 1995 Cushman Titan model as well as GT-1, Eagle, GT America, UTV Max, F2J, and Bellhop models.
Retail: |
$1,174.95 |
On Sale: |
$864.18 |
You Save: |
27% |
Solid Copper Power Bar for Speed Control on 1965 to 1973, 4 and 5 speed Taylor-Dunn Industrial Vehicle Models SC, AN, B, BN and model R-338/348 and 2339... Also 1959 to 1963 Tridents and Tee Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370, and 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 and other Taylor-Dunn... Also mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control.
Diode for speed control on 1967 to 1983 Harley Davidson and for 1990 to 1999 Columbia Par Car. +++ 1990 and newer E-Z-GO +++ Also Cushman, Melex, Hyundai and others using Curtis electronic motor speed controller +++ Used across solenoids on Marketeer and Nordskog +++ Used across solenoids on Pargo model 544 with eight solenoids.
6 Amp Diode for speed control on 1972 to 1985 Taylor-Dunn models GT-370 and GT-371 and others.
Rotor Board for Forward and Reverse Switch on Foot Switch on 1989 and newer Taylor-Dunn model SS-534 Step Saver.
Forward and Reverse Rotor Board for Forward and Reverse side of Master Control Switch on 1972 to 1985 Taylor-Dunn GT-370 and GT-371 models +++ As well as model R with EM Type Speed Control from serial number 26450 and higher.
First Speed Resistor for 5 Speed Rheostat for Taylor-Dunn models B and BN and others +++ Third Speed Resistor for Taylor-Dunn Tee Bird GT and R models +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control.
Retail: |
$28.95 |
On Sale: |
$19.34 |
You Save: |
34% |
First Speed Resistor for Four Speed Control Board for Taylor-Dunn Stock Chaser models SC, AN and SC-175 and SC-176 models E-3454 and others.
Retail: |
$35.95 |
On Sale: |
$24.96 |
You Save: |
31% |
Four Speed Rheostat Board Assembly without J Hook for Taylor-Dunn models SC and AN and other... Includes three resistors.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ Use SP88-700 ++ Fourth Speed Resistor for Taylor-Dunn Tee Bird GT models and model R. +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries.
Copper J-Hook for Speed Control for 4 and 5 speed Taylor-Dunn Industrial Vehicle Models SC, AN, B, BN and 1965 to 1973 model R 338/348 and 2339 +++ 1959 to 1963 Tridents and T-Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370, and 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 and other Taylor-Dunn +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control.
J-Hook Assembly for Speed Control for 4 and 5 speed Taylor-Dunn Industrial Vehicle Models SC, AN, B, BN and 1965 to 1973 model R 338/348 and 2339 +++ 1959 to 1963 Tridents and T-Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 +++ 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 and other Taylor-Dunn +++ Karrior with mecahnical speed control +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ J-Hook Insulating Board for Speed Control for 4 and 5 speed Taylor-Dunn Industrial Vehicle Models SC, AN, B, BN and 1965 to 1973 model R 338/348 and 2339 +++ 1959 to 1963 Tridents and T-Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 +++ 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 and other Taylor-Dunn +++ Karrior with mecahnical speed control +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries.
NO LONGER AVAILABLE +++ J-Hook Strap for Speed Control on 4 and 5 speed Taylor-Dunn Industrial Vehicle Models SC, AN, B, BN and 1965 to 1973 model R 338/348 and 2339 +++ 1959 to 1963 Tridents and T-Bird Golf Carts models GT-360, GT-361, GT-370 +++ 1961 to mid 1973 GT-371 and other Taylor-Dunn +++ Karrior with mechanical speed control +++ Mid 1970s Eagle golf cart made in Long Beach California by Lad Industries.
Micro Switch with roller style lever arm with three contacts for E-Z-GO, Melex, Taylor-Dunn, Cushman, Jacobsen, Legend, and Noland.
Retail: |
$22.95 |
On Sale: |
$14.43 |
You Save: |
38% |
Three Terminal Micro Switch with Lever for +++ E-Z-GO +++ Club Car +++ Harley Davidson +++ Melex +++ Legend +++ Jacobsen +++Taylor-Dunn and others.