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LT11-140 - Tail, Stop, Signal Light Assembly

LT11-140 - Tail, Stop, Signal Light Assembly
LT11-140 - Tail, Stop, Signal Light Assembly
LT11-140 - Tail, Stop, Signal Light Assembly
Our Part Number: LT11-140

OEM Part Numbers - CO 68020-92, MO 2469021, TD 72-022-00

Item Description -

Incandescent Red Stop or Tail Light for 1992 and newer Columbia Par Car +++ Also Taylor-Dunn and Motrec +++ Also replacement upgrade on Cushman, E-Z-GO, Nordskog, and Noland Industrial carts as well as others.

Lens measures 4-1/4" diameter... Grommet diameter is 5-3/8" with 4-1/2" diameter groove for mounting.

Comes with black bezel for easy mounting and plug in 3 wire pig tail.
Our Price: $18.23

Kryptronic Internet Software Solutions